Saturday, August 23, 2008

Testing Spring applications with jUnit 4 and Easy Mock

Unit tests help us make sure that the unit chunks of code being developed are correct. Unit test helps find bugs in the early stages of software development.

Java unit testing frameworks like jUnit, TestNG with some other pretty frameworks like easy mock and easy mock class extensions help us test individual classes with mocking out the external dependent classes/resources and make the tests more "unit".

Spring out of the box supports unit testing with jUnit and TestNG. Spring provides seperate set of classes help you unit test your spring classes.

Spring 2.5 in its org.springframework.test.context package has a set of classes to have better unit testing using jUnit4.

I am about to show an example of testing a service called BlogSearchService. The service simply calls a method in the blogDAO which searches the blogs based on the keyword and return a list of blogs. So here my service class is simple, it calls the DAO. So in my test I just have to make sure that it makes a DAO call and the result is then returned to the client.

Lets see the code for BlogSearchService and BlogSearchServiceImpl,
  1. package com.teja.tests;
  2. import java.util.List;
  3. /**
  4. *
  5. * @author Teja Kantamneni
  6. */

  7. public interface BlogSearchService {
  8. public List<Blog> searchBlogByKeyWord(String keyword);
  9. }

  1. package com.teja.tests;

  2. import java.util.List;

  3. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

  4. /**

  5. *

  6. * @author Teja Kantamneni

  7. */

  8. public class BlogSearchServiceImpl implements BlogSearchService {

  9. @Autowired

  10. BlogDAO blogDAO;

  11. public List<Blog> searchBlogByKeyWord(String keyword){

  12. return blogDAO.searchByKeyword(keyword);

  13. }

  14. public void setBlogDAO(BlogDAO blogDAO) {

  15. this.blogDAO = blogDAO;

  16. }

  17. }

Here is the test case for BlogSearchService,
In the test case, the ContextConfiguration helps in specifying the config file to load. In the @Before (setup method for the test case) I am creating the instance of BlogSearchServiceImpl (but instead you can autowire it). Then I am creating the mock object of blogDAO and setting it to the BlogSearchService. In the actual test method, I expect that the searchBlogByKeyWord on the blogDAO and I am expecting it retuning no posts. You can do any asserts here depending on the actual business.

SpringJUnit4ClassRunner is a custom extension of JUnit4ClassRunner which provides functionality of the Spring TestContext Framework to standard JUnit 4.4+ tests by means of the TestContextManager and associated support classes and annotations.

  1. package com.teja.tests;

  2. import java.util.Collections;

  3. import org.junit.Before;

  4. import org.junit.Test;

  5. import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

  6. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

  7. import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;

  8. import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;

  9. import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;

  10. /**

  11. *

  12. * @author Teja Kantamneni

  13. */

  14. @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)

  15. @ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:beans.xml"})

  16. public class BlogSearchServiceTest {

  17. @Autowired

  18. BlogSearchServiceImpl blogSearchService;

  19. BlogDAO blogDAO;

  20. @Before

  21. public void setUp(){

  22. blogSearchService = new BlogSearchServiceImpl();

  23. blogDAO = createMock(BlogDAO.class);

  24. blogSearchService.setBlogDAO(blogDAO);

  25. }

  26. @Test

  27. public void testSearchBlogByKeyword(){

  28. String keyword = "spring";

  29. expect(blogDAO.searchByKeyword(keyword)).andReturn(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

  30. replay(blogDAO);

  31. blogSearchService.searchBlogByKeyWord(keyword);

  32. verify(blogDAO);

  33. }

  34. }

It's so simple and sweet testing spring classes with jUnit and easymock. Isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I find you present an easy way of testing your service the BlogDAO definition. Will you kindly present this piece of code? I think it would be helpful to shorten the implementation path of your tutorial.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, this is just an Easymock example and doesn't have a whole lot do with Spring's IoC since you're injecting a mocked DAO yourself.

Anonymous said...

simple and nice example. thanks


Anonymous said...

Very nice one.. Well done

Anonymous said...

not bad

technology said...

This is one of the processes which allow you to list and run your websites online or search engines like (Google, Bing, Yahoo,, AOL, Baidu, DuckDuckGo etc.) without making any payment to them. But the very important thing in this is it is not so easy to rank in SERP/ Search engine result page as there are several websites have already been listed under these search engine platforms so which needs to work hard to rank better in search engine result page. This process is called as a Search Engine Optimization. data science course syllabus

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